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Location: Amakusa-machi, Kumamoto, Japan

22 August 2006

Party in Hondo!

My first weekend in Amakusa, all of us ALTs gathered in Hondo for a festival. (I forget what it's called, alas!) Basically, there were tons and tons of people gathered to watch these groups dance. The costumes were beautiful and I was excited because a 3rd year ALT, Wai, was in one of the groups. It's really neat to know someone who is participating in a Japanese festival! During this time, I was also introduced to the wonderful-ness that is the Hyaku En shop (the 1oo yen shop). Picture the Dollar Store only a million times better! Once I get a car and insurance, I'm hitting up that place for an entire day one of these weekends!
But I digress!

I think that the best part of the festival was seeing all these little kids dressed up and dancing. They were having a blast but they really didn't know what they were doing. For the most part, they just looked darn cute! It was also really cool, and very strange, to be one of only 6 gaijin (foreigners) attending this festival! Well, we were the only ones I saw anyway! It made me feel like I being allowed a sneak peak into a secret festival... like they were allowing me to see something that was special to the city that... like I was being let into the group! I don't know, maybe I'm silly, but I felt like I was a part of it. For those of you from MN, it's like when you go to the Renaissance or the MN State Fair. You become part of something bigger than yourself and it sweeps you along, embracing you and giving you a special connection with those around you. It was really neat. I hope that I never stop feeling awed and special by being allowed entrance to these kinds of gatherings. They are special and unique every time... they should never be taken for granted.
My but I am waxing poetical, aren't I! Sorry about that, maybe Japan is brining out the inner philosophist! Who knows! All I know is that it was something special. I had a great time!


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