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Location: Amakusa-machi, Kumamoto, Japan

22 August 2006

Nihon Quirks: Part I

*If you sneeze, don't expect anyone to say "Bless you!" or "Gezuntite!" They just don't do it here! Also be prepared to either be ignored or given strange looks if you give in to habit and say something when someone else sneezes. You know, if I didn't know better I'd say they thought I was strange!

*When you step into a bathroom in Japan, chances are you may encounter the wonderful-ness that is the "squatty potty" That's right folks, the western style toilet may reign supreme in Japan, but head out into the inaka and be prepared for a surprise! (fyi, try googling "squatty potty" and see what pops up! It's a hoot!) Ok, picture that you walk into the powder room, open the stall door, and look down... down... down... at what appears to be a urinal set into the floor. That, my friends is the Japanese style toilet. I would say it's undignified at best... nothing like walking into one wearing a nice skirt and heels. Oh my, you won't be vain anymore! One thing I will say for it, it works those thigh muscles really well! ;-)

*The art of the "little white lie" is a way of life for the Japanese. They will call you beautiful, compliment you all the time, invite you over to their houses, etc and not mean a word of it. It's a generalization, of course, but it's more prevalent than one might think! They just want to be polite and keep the social harmony... I think. Anyway, the moral: don't believe everything that you hear while in Japan!

Ok, that's all more now. Look for more quirks in the future!


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