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Location: Amakusa-machi, Kumamoto, Japan

24 August 2006

Life in the BoE... yeah, baby, yeah!

I'm sure that all of you are just dying to know what my day-to-day life is like in the itty-bitty town of Takahama. (Come on, admit it! You're curiousity is killing you!!) I hope that I don't spoil any dreams or ideas you may have come up with when I say that I do a whole heckuva lot of nothing! School doesn't start until Sept 1, unlike the US, however, teachers have to be at work everyday during the break unless they take time off. Seriously! Even some students are expected to attend school during their holiday! Any students that are in a club or sport have to go to practice every single day, it's insane! Plus, if (Godforbid) they didn't finish all their homework duing the semester they have to go to school everyday to finish it! The Japanese school system is just crazy!
Anyhoo, my Life! I have to be at the BoE (Board of Education) everyday from 8:30-4:15. We get an hour for lunch, but I'm expected to be at my desk the entire day. The first couple days I was in Takahama were insane because they were driving me to all my schools, introducing me to teachers, and trying to get me all settled in my aparto. After that things slowed down considerably. Oh yes, and did I mention that I DON'T HAVE A COMPUTER OR ACCESS TO THE INTERNET AT WORK!!?! I was slightly annoyed, to put it mildly, because I have no way to relieve my boredom! So my day at work consists of me studying Japanese as best I can, reading the books that were left in my aparto, staring blankly into space, and occasionally trying to talk to various people in my office. Can you believe that they are paying me for this?!
I am really lucky, however, because almost everyone in my building is really friendly and tries to talk to me. It makes the time pass more quickly! I say "my building" because the BoE is located in a central government kind-of building with other city workers. Constsruction, social welfare, more general stuff, is all in the same building. Actually, there are only 3 people in my BoE! A tiny BoE for a tiny town, I guess!
So far I've made one pretty good friend, her name is Miwako and she works in the welfare section. She's really nice, speaks pretty good Eigo, and have the most adorable little boy named Yuuta. (He calls me big sister, it's so cute!) Having her as a friend has been so helpful and so nice, not only because she speaks Eigo but also because she invites me out and introduces me to the other young people in the town. (Believe it or not, there are actually some people under the age of 65 in Takahama!) We have yukiniku/drinking parties with other people from work all between the ages of 23-33. It's nice to hang out with a younger crowd! I'll try to get some pics of Miwako and Yuuta up as soon as I can! (I have to take them first!)
Ok, back to my life. After I get off at 4:15, I usually head back to my aparto and either do pilates or go for a walk to explore the town. I've also been watching a bit of Japanese TV in the hopes that it will help me to learn. Meh, it's work a shot right!
And that's it! My basic, day-t0-day life! Weekends are either more of the same or hanging out with other JETs. Once school starts everything will change, but until then, I'm basically getting paid to sit on my bum all day and read. Thank you. :-)


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