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Location: Amakusa-machi, Kumamoto, Japan

25 August 2006

The more things change, the more they... well, change!

Yes, change is good right? Well, it turns out that my ENTIRE school schedule is going to be changing because the powers that be think I'm not getting enough Chugakko (Junior hs) time! The best part is that I got a call today, just a few minutes after I'd stepped out of the shower, that my main boss man wanted me in the BoE asap to discuss my schedule. Today was a day off for me*, so I'd gone to the beach, etc and really wasn't expecting to be called into the office. Naturally I threw on some clothes and rushed over, thoroughly confused because, as far as I knew, my schedule had already been made. Alas, it was not so easy! You see folks, earlier this year a bunch of small towns (mine included) combined together to form Amakusa-machi. This means that my BoE now answers to the big ol' BoE in Hondo. Times, they are achangin'!
The best part is that absolutely no one in my town knew the big boss was coming down! My Takahama tantosha had no clue, and my JTE (Japanese teacher of English) Yasuda-sensei was really shocked to see us all parade into the teacher's area at the Chugakko. Oh what fun! I just hope they don't all blame me for this mess... it's not my fault Yasuda-sensei and kocho-sensei! I didn't even know they were coming!

*In Kumamoto they have a wonderful, wonderful law that says nobody is allowed to work more than 20 days a month. These days off are called choseibi. Now the FAH-bulous month of August has 23 working days, so you know what that means. Oh yes, trips to the beach and road trips along the far west coast of Japan! Kumamoto people, you rock my world! (Expect for the higher up at the Hondo BoE. Grrr, why are y'all raining on my parade?!)


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