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Location: Amakusa-machi, Kumamoto, Japan

28 August 2006

Beach Party Weekend!

This past weekend we had the Welcome Party for all the Amakusa JETs and it was on my beach! It was an absolute blast! We drank, we ate, we swam and got stung by some little jellyfish or something, and many people just slept on the beach. It was so much fun! The next day, we all went to Hondo, (the closest big city to me) for hyaku en sushi! (100 yen, approx. $1) How cheap is that, ne!? In the States I would've had to pay upwards of $3-4 dollars per serving. Man, if you like seafood as much as I do, Japan is the place to go!
In other news, I HAVE A CAR! Yay! It's a very funny looking, kinda smallish car, but I love it. I shall her either Snubby or Stumpy... the jury is still out. It's really funny, actually, because my car is really tall when compared to how long it is... it's kind of almost boxy. The reason why it's so tall is because my tantosha and other people in my office were worried that I wouldn't fit into a smaller car! They thought I'd hit my head on the ceiling! I'm so amused! Anyway, I don't yet have a picture of Snubby/Stumpy since I keep forgetting my camera when I drive anywhere, but I promise to get one on-line asap. Then everone can be incredibly amused by my awesome car!

P.S. School starts this Friday. I have to give a little speech for my ENTIRE Chugakko! I be freaking yo! Plus I have to start being an official sensei the following week. Eeek! I'm so nervous!


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