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Location: Amakusa-machi, Kumamoto, Japan

16 September 2006

Why on-line translators might not be the first place to turn when writing in a foreign language!

This is just too good, I have to share it with the world! Here's the background: before I visit a shougakko, the teachers are supposed to send me a form showing which classes I'll be teaching, who I'll eat lunch with, etc. There is some extra space at the bottom for any additional info. I received the following "other info" from my smallest school, Shimodaminami, where none of the teachers speak Eigo (the kocho-sensei speaks some Spanish though!). I have not edited or altered it in any way. Enjoy!

"If a class is over when you may return, I think that it may be returned. It please be visited by the boss. Thank you. We have a dummy run of an athletic meet on 20th. Therefore, to the first lesson, I want all classes's best cord to teach it. Rely on unreasonableness, and do not breath it,: but thanking you in advance."

HAHAHAHA! I couldn't make stuff like that up! It was a bit less funny when I realized that that's probably how I sound when I try to speak in Nihon-go... a sobering thought. How do they keep a straight face!?


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